Money20/20 World Tour
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Ain’t No Valley Low Enough, Ain’t No River Wide Enough…To keep us from bringing the fintech to you! We’re hitting the road, sky, and water this year 🛫
Finance is global and so is Money20/20. This is about more than events. This is about more than a happy hour. This is about building communities and helping grow the GDP of Fintech. When the ecosystem wins, we all win.
Now, for the fun part…
Money20/20 World Tour Is Coming To A City Near You!
Click on a specific location for event details and to register for this free event. Space is limited so be sure to get your name on the list.
Money20/20 World Tour 2023
Money20/20 took on the world in 2023. Check out some of the places we visited...
Join The Only Fintech Events You Need - Be Part of What's Next
You can now get ahead of the game and buy your pass for our upcoming live fintech conferences.
3-5 June | Amsterdam
26-29 October | Las Vegas
22-24 April | Bangkok
15-17 September | Riyadh