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The Fintech highFIVE! - 3 November 2020

FinTech High Five (2)

Welcome to the Fintech highFIVE! 🖐 Every day, I’m amazed by the sheer amount of news and innovation happening in the fintech industry. 🤯 Fintech truly has not stopped, even during these crazy times. I can’t help but notice common themes in this huge sea of news — so I’m trying something new to bring these headlines together. Bi-weekly, I’ll be hitting you with the biggest themes seen in the news — all counted down on just one hand. 👊 So gimme 5 🙏 as we celebrate 🙌 the best of fintech each week.

*We’re socially distant here. Virtual high-fives only 👏 Please don’t hit your screen.

10 top news and interesting reading you might have missed over the last couple of weeks...

  1. Paypal goes Crypto! PayPal to let you buy and sell cryptocurrencies in the US
  2. Here comes the JPM Coin: JPMorgan Chase has created a new unit to house its blockchain and crypto efforts
  3. SoFi wins preliminary approval for US national bank charter: Online lender has also launched its first credit card
  4. Paid consumer data: Amazon launches a program to pay consumers for their data on non-Amazon purchases
  5. Hold up! Visa’s planned purchase of Plaid faces antitrust scrutiny at DOJ
  6. The UX of payments: A study on the UX of POS payment services
  7. True name cards for Citi: They’ve teamed with Mastercard to offer transgender and non-binary people the ability to use their chosen name on eligible credit cards
  8. Rebundling financial services: How fintech startups broke the sector
  9. +€40m for Lunar: Nordic challenger has raised funding to extend products into the buy now, pay later and account aggregation and payment initiation space
  10. +$7.5m for Gig Wage: Green Dot is investing in and partnering with the startup to bring banking and financial tools to gig workers

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