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21 October 2020

FinTech High Five (2)

Welcome to the Fintech highFIVE! 🖐 Every day, I’m amazed by the sheer amount of news and innovation happening in the industry. 🤯 Fintech truly has not stopped, even during these crazy times. I can’t help but notice common themes in this huge sea of news — so I’m trying something new to bring these headlines together. Bi-weekly, I’ll be hitting you with the biggest themes seen in the news — all counted down on just one hand. 👊 So gimme 5 🙏 as we celebrate 🙌 the best of fintech each week.

*We’re socially distant here. Virtual high-fives only 👏 Please don’t hit your screen.

10 top news and interesting reading you might have missed over the last couple of weeks

  1. OMG! Yandex calls off $5.5bn Tinkoff takeover
  2. Exit packages: 60 Coinbase staffers take exit package over no-politics stance
  3. Financial inclusion: Petal launches credit card for people with poor credit
  4. The Unicorn club: Indian fintech Razorpay joins club with $100 million funding
  5. Diversity report: 2020 Crunchbase diversity report
  6. The big question: Do founders make the best CEOs?
  7. Who will be the most profitable of them all?: Which neobanks will rise or fall?
  8. Uganda mobile money fraud: Their banks have been plunged into chaos by a hack
  9. $4.5m for Clair: Raised money to help gigi workers get paid instantly
  10. Inside Monzo 2.0: Who’s running the show now?

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